In the western world, we have become obsessed and reliant on the use of technology, mobile phones are no longer just a means of communication whilst on the move. With technological advances they now track our movements, where we shop, what locations we visit, anything we want to look up we now have a mini computer in our pocket and we use them constantly. Any waiting time we have for appointments, waiting for a bus, even on the toilet – that once ‘empty head’ time is now filled with scrolling through social media sites, online shopping and a constant bombardment of news, weather, and advertising. Travelling on a train journey – look around how many passengers have their heads down looking at their phones as opposed to engaged in conversation with fellow travellers or absorbing the environment they are travelling through by looking out of the window? To use a new term – how many of them are present in the moment? At home we are looking at screens too, if not television, we are logged into computers, i-pads, lap tops. What effect is this having on humanity, and the bigger picture the environment and the planet?
We now spend more time looking at Windows online than looking at the great outdoors through your window and getting outdoors to absorb its benefits. Connection with nature is essential, not everyone has had the opportunity to connect with it in their formative years, but once they have engaged with the outdoors in a positive way the health and mental wellbeing impacts us immediately. Going outdoors engages all your senses and makes you feel invigorated and alive! The simple act of a walk out in nature can really enhance our wellbeing.
The NHS and Mental health charities all promote getting outdoors in nature as beneficial.